Avengers: Endgame Movie Review

Jeremy Wood
4 min readApr 26, 2019


4.5 out of 5

So many rumors. So many theories. So much speculation. It’s all over. Endgame has arrived, and we finally know how it all comes to a close with the first round of Avengers movies. When we last saw our heroes, they were defeated by the evil Thanos, whose simple snap of a finger wiped out half of all living things — including several members of the Avengers team. Was it Star Lord’s fault? Was it Thor’s fault? Was it Dr. Strange’s fault? Most of us — even though it’s just a movie — have waited with bated breath to see how everything would be redeemed and the world would be set right. Perhaps the biggest question of them all (aside from will the other Avengers return) is: Will it have been worth the wait?

There really is so much to say — but how do I say it without lacing this entire review with spoilers? Or coloring it in a way that lowers or raises your expectations to unrealistic depths or heights? First, let me start with — the movie is good. Really good. I’m sure that comes as no surprise to anyone. The story, the filmmaking, the acting, directing — all of it is the pinnacle of movie making and storytelling. That’s not to say that the film doesn’t have some flaws, but those pale in comparison with all that is right. Unlike Infinity War, which is a broad and gigantic story, in that it includes pretty much all of the Marvel characters, all involved in different stories which merge into one — this film starts smaller with the main characters from the first Avengers film. With the story being a smaller cast to start, and so much of the focus on what has already happened — it tends to drag a bit at times. I believe that to be a bit on purpose, however, as we watch our heroes mourn the loss of their friends and try over and over to figure out how they could have prevented it, or if they can reverse it. Eventually, they resolve themselves to the apparent fact that everything is over and done. There is no going back, there is no going forward. They are stuck with a new reality, and the world as they once knew it is gone. Thanos has won. It’s not until Scott Lang (Ant Man) returns that small glimmers of hope start to shine their way through the screen. It is here when so many parts of the previous Marvel films, which began in 2008, with Iron Man — start to come together and flood into your mind. The overarching themes and storylines start to connect and the movie really begins to take flight.

Resolved to save their friends and ultimately defeat Thanos — the remaining Avengers have purpose again, and the story breaks into several different lines as in Infinity War — eventually all coming together again at the end for a final 30 to 45 minutes that is everything you could ever want out of a superhero film. The actors who really shine in this film are the original six, as it should be: Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Thor, The Hulk and Hawkeye. It was that original core group who started everything off — and it is that same group who bring the entire thing to a spectacular finish. Like most of the Marvel films, there is humor — especially with The Hulk and Thor — there is unparalleled action on a scale that is hard to fathom, and in the end there is sacrifice, which is much more satisfying that sad.

So…It’s over. After all of those films, and all of that time — the Endgame has been revealed. And when it closes — you’re left with a very full feeling, but after that wears off, the thought begins to creep into your mind: Now what? Have we seen the last of some of these familiar faces in these roles? Will there be more? Or will Marvel begin to expand even further? The feelings I am left with are the same I had back in 2008. Just like Iron Man kicked things off with a bang, and then left everyone wondering what was next — Avengers: Endgame closes out this chapter — but as with Iron Man — you know more is coming. It’s going to be fun to see where they take us. That all starts with Spider-Man: Far from Home. I imagine that will be a fun movie — but in it we will find loose strings and perhaps a post credit scene or two that will start us down a path again to another big ending. The pressure will be immense on those actors, writers and directors to do as well as those who have brought us Avengers: Endgame. It will be exciting to see if they can pull it off.

Avengers: Endgame is now playing and is rated PG-13 for sequences of sci-fi violence and action, and some language.



Jeremy Wood
Jeremy Wood

Written by Jeremy Wood

Owner of Cinematic Visions…A Professional, Award Winning Video and Media Production Company. Matthew 5:16.

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